Dhaheriyah Women Club

“Dhaheriyah Women Club”. In the village of Dhaheriyah, in the alleys of the old city, the atmosphere of the Palestinian family prevails, where the women of the club meet, begin to help each other prepare breakfast before starting work as a team. The Executive Director says that if women unite, they can achieve the impossible. As a result, this club was established in which it targets marginalized women in particular and works on developing and enhancing their situation in the village in general. In the beginning, the club began supporting small projects and then began to participate in several trainings and workshops some of them are organized by Palestinian Heritage Trail such as, English language courses as well as food processing courses such as Maftoul, pickles and cheese
The women of the club work on promoting and selling their products in exhibitions such as Dhaheriyah exhibition. they also participate in several conferences that gather women’s associations and clubs. Besides, they participate in several activities and events such as Bethlehem marathon and special needs marathon. The club is currently in need for support and equipment so as to be sustainable.
Their products include: Maftoul, Labneh, pastries, sweets, pickles, cheese, beads and embroidery.