Cultural Routes for Sustainable Social and economic Development in Mediterranean
CROSSDEV is a 3-years project co-funded by the European Union through the ENI CBC MED programme. The project’s objective is contributing to the economic and social development in Mediterranean, strengthening and enhancing sustainable tourism practices, emphasizing common heritages and resources. Specifically, it expects to increase touristic competitiveness & attractiveness of less known destinations, rural/depressed areas, adopting/enhancing the Cultural Routes concept/experiences in selected areas of 4 countries:
- Italy: Sicily, communities in the areas along the Via Selinuntina, neighbourhoods of Sambuca di Sicilia (Province of Agrigento) and Castelvetrano-Selinunte (Province of Trapani)
- Jordan: communities around less known historical and cultural sites in Aqaba area (Southern Jordan) and archaeological site of Umm Qais (Northern Jordan)
- Lebanon: villages in the area of Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve, Mount Lebanon
- Palestine: :Palestine: the extended area of Palestinian Heritage Trail from Beit Mirsim to Battir – southern of the West Bank.
Expected changes:
Developing positive attitudes/practices in sustainable tourism enhancing the involvement and commitment of public authorities, actors of tourism-related sectors, educational institutions, civil society organizations, youth and the general public.
Expected results:
- Increased attractiveness of less known touristic destinations
- Increased diversification of tourism offering through the promotion of local and territorial assets/drivers in off season periods
Total budget: € 2,507,656
European Union contribution: € 2,256,890 (89,9% of the project’s total budget)
Lead beneficiary: CISP Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli, Rome – Italy
- Italy: Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism (MIBACT)
- Italy: Società Cooperativa Culture (CoopCulture)
- Jordan: The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS)
- Jordan: Jordan University of Science and Technology – JUST University
- Lebanon: The Association for the Protection of Jabal Moussa (APJM)
- Palestine: Palestinian Heritage Trail (PHT)
- Ministry of Tourism, Palestine
- Ministry of Tourism, Lebanon
- Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA), Jordan
- Organizzazione Internazionale Turismo Sociale (OITS), Brussels
- Regione Sicilia, Assessorato Beni Culturali/Soprintendenza del Mare, Italy
- Institute of Hotel Management &Tourism/Bethlehem University, Palestine
- The Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism (CAST) – University of Bologna, Italy
Official website