Increased Economic Opportunities and Improved Livelihood for Fragile Communities along the Palestinian Heritage Trail (PH Trail) in the West Bank” Project

The Project Development Objective (PDO):
is to increase economic opportunities and improve livelihood of Palestinians present in fragile communities along the Palestinian Heritage Trail, across the West Bank, with a special focus on women and youth.
Project Beneficiaries:
The project aims to benefit about 2,700 Palestinian individuals present in about 50 fragile communities along the Palestinian Heritage Trail across the West Bank. There will be a special focus on women and youth, and it is estimated that at least 40 percent of the beneficiaries will be women and 25 percent, youth.
The project will expand the interventions at the community-level capacity building and provide livelihood and economic opportunities to about 50 communities including local women’s associations, youth groups, relevant community-based organizations (CBOs) and civil society organizations (CSOs), and firms and to individuals, including homestay hosts, guides, and local business owners who want to start or strengthen their entrepreneurial activities along the Trail.
Project Description
The project will use the financing from the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) through the World Bank to promote local community development through the implementation of the following two components:
Component 1: Community Driven Development
This first component will include three subcomponents as follows.
Sub-component 1.1: Tourism Communities Development. This activity will finance community sub-projects, including training and sub-grants to improve community-based tourism experiences, start and grow their businesses, and improve the outreach and communication with tourists/visitors using digital means. By being implemented by external parties/consultants.
- The sub-grants funding under this subcomponent will reach out to the communities through matching grants of approximately US$20,000 per beneficiary project, considering that communities will match the financing, contributing not less than 20 percent of the associated costs. It is estimated that about 45 grants will be awarded to potential beneficiaries during the project timeline.
Sub-component 1.2: Fostering Entrepreneurship. This activity will finance subprojects that foster entrepreneurship for start-ups and existing businesses at an individual and firm level, with a focus on female and young entrepreneurs, to create new tourism experiences along the Palestinian Heritage Trail.
The financing will be through sub-grants that will benefit at least 40 beneficiaries (Palestinian individuals and firms) for an average amount of approximately US$4500 - 5000 per beneficiary.
Sub-component 1.3: Promoting Outreach. This subcomponent will support the development of an interactive digital platform for community-based tourism in the West Bank and some awareness and promotion activities to promote the most vulnerable groups and communities.
Component 2: Project Management and Administration, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Knowledge Dissemination
This component includes the following three subcomponents: (a) Project Management and Administration, (b) Monitoring and Evaluation, and (c) Knowledge Dissemination.
Sub-component 2.1: Project Management and Administration: PHT will be the implementing agency of the project and this sub-component will cover the costs of a project manager, some consultancies, and the project audits.
Sub-component 2.2: Monitoring and Evaluation: the first activity to be implemented under this second sub-component will be the tracking of project’s results and the achievement of the Project Development Objective (PDO) indicators. This component will finance a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system, and the strengthening of the Palestinian Heritage Trail (PHT) monitoring and evaluation framework.
Sub-component 2.3: Knowledge Dissemination. This subcomponent will finance two dissemination events and stakeholders’ consultations during the project lifetime. The first dissemination event will be in the field to share project results, lessons learned, and project gains with major stakeholders, representatives of the Japanese Government, donors, and representatives of the private sector, while the second dissemination event will be in one of the neighboring countries to facilitate the participation of regional stakeholders and key partners.
Labor Management Procedures (LMP).pdf
Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP).pdf
Project Grievance Mechanism Guideline.pdf
Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP).pdf
Environmental & Social Management Framework (ESMF).pdf
Guidelines for protecting the environment and wildlife along the Palestine Heritage Trail:
Guidelines for preserving archaeological sites along the Palestine Heritage Trail:
Complaints system for the Palestine Heritage Path Federation: